- Identify and invite 12-15 like-minded individuals:
- Individuals that represent a cross section of your colleagues. This will provide the best opportunity for multi-tiered mentoring between junior and senior members.
- About equal numbers of men, women, gender identity to gain diversity in viewpoints.
- People that will be committed to the effort, and are open to discussion and exploration outside their current understanding of topics.
- Choose two-three people from across the strata of your group (junior to senior) that will serve as the leadership for the group. We have found that splitting the tasks prevents overload in maintaining the group.
- 1 person to schedule
- A 2nd person to initiate the conversation at each meeting
- the 3rd person to be backup/participate in group logistics/conversation
- Set a time and place to meet
- Doodle poll or similar to set a time that works for most of your group. You’re unlikely to find a time that works for 100% of your group… strive for ~80%.
- It may take a few tries to find a time/date that works… don’t be discouraged… this has been the case for the current CI groups and it gets better with time.
- We meet monthly for 1-1.5hrs, away from the work environment at a less formal location that sells beverages/snacks that has a meeting room.
- Each group will find it’s best meeting time. Our groups have found that meeting at the end of the day allows everyone to relax a bit (beer, wine, don’t have to get back to work)
- Choose a topic your group is interested in, or feel free to choose one from our list.
- Email the topic and references to your group when a date is set. We have focused on 2-3 short articles/meeting. 1-2 referenced materials in combination with a piece from a reputable newspaper or magazine introducing the topic and current relevance.
- Meet
- First meeting:
- During the first meeting you will begin to establish a safe and trusted environment conducive to sharing
- Set ground rules by being transparent about the goals of the group.
- The group is meant to provide a safe and trusted environment to share and trouble shoot career-related challenges
- Emphasize that “what’s said here stays here”
- Trust will take time to grow. The initial conversations will be surface oriented, but as time and trust takes hold, the conversations will grow in depth.
- At the first meeting, choose a topic for the next meeting. One may arise during the conversation, or the lead(s) may choose one. It is also important to decide who will lead the next discussion topic. This encourages participation by all members and encourages ownership of the group/topic.
- Continue to meet monthly. It is important for the leaders to keep the momentum of scheduling meetings and picking topics.
- First meeting:
Recent CI Topics List & Resources
Science Career Resources
Multi-generational Workplace
Difficult Conversations & Communication Hurdles
Lean In: How to Have Difficult Conversations and Stay True to Yourself
ReliablePlant: Can’t we all just get along? Understanding 6 workplace personalities
- How do men view and respond to the below top 10 communication hurdles?
- Are there insights to be learned from our CI Y types? … and vice versa?
- What’s behind women viewing the below as ‘hurdles’ ?
- I found the following link detailing workplace personality types… I think it might enhance the conversation
'Thinkers' vs. 'Doers'
Higher Education Sexual Abuse
Work/Life Balance
TED: How to make work-life balance work
Fortune: If you spent a year interviewing women about how they balanced, what would you learn?
NIH PubMed: Work, family or personal life: Why not all three?
Science: Balancing career and family
The Guardian: The superwoman fallacy: what it really takes to be an academic and parent
Inside Higher Ed: The Mom Penalty
Gender Bias at Conferences
Child-bearing & Child-rearing
Confidence & Perception Bias
Bian et al., Science 355, 389–391 (2017) 27 January 2017
Diamandis 6 April 2017 Vol 544 Nature 129
Fast Company: The New Subtle Sexism Toward Women in the Workplace
Pew Research Center: Perceptions about women bosses improve, but gap remains
Fortune: The abrasiveness trap: High-achieving men and women are described differently in reviews
Nature vs. Nuture & Gender Roles
How & When to say 'No'
Imposter Syndrome
The Chronical of Higher Education: A Texas University Tells Professors Their Teaching and Research Will Be Under ‘Intense Scrutiny’
Inside Higher Ed: Walk Like a Duck
The Chronical of Higher Education: An Academic With Impostor Syndrome
Pacific Standard: Not Qualified for Your Job? Wait, You Probably Are